Here is a description of the different colors and patterns ragdolls can come in, according to the Ragdoll Fancier Club International: Color Description
Seal Point ------- The body color should be ranging from ivory to pale fawn beige, shading gradually into a lighter color on the belly and chest. The points will range from a warm seal brown to a deep brownish black. The paw pads and nose leather to be a seal brown tobrownish black, with rosy undertones allowed.
Blue Point --------- The body should be a bluish white to platinum grey, cold in tone, free of any tinge of brown, shading gradually to lighter color on the belly and chest. The points will be blue- grey to deep slate. The paw pads and nose leather dark blue. They may have rosy undertones.
Chocolate Point ---- The body should be ivory, shading gradually to lighter color on the belly and chest. The points ranging from warm milk chocolate to bittersweet chocolate, all with rose undertones. The paw pads should be a brownish salmon pink and nose leather a rosebrown.
Lilac Point ---------- Body magnolia white. Points a pale dove grey with pinkish tones to a warmer deep lavender, the dilute pigment permitting the flesh tones to show through. Paw pads and nose leather lavender pink .
Red Point ------------ The body should be a warm, even, creamy white. The points will be a deep orange “hot” red. The paw pads and nose leather to be pink.
Cream Point -------- The body should be creamy white. The points ranging from pale sand to deep cream. The overall impression is dull, cool buff beige. The paw pads and nose leather pink.
Pattern Description
Colorpoint -------- Point colored mask, ears, feet, nose, paw pads and tail. A Colorpoint has no white on any of their points. Mitted -------------- Point colored masked, ears and legs with white mittens on the front feet and white boots on the back legs. The chin, ruff and stomach are white.
Bicolor --------------- Point colored ears and tail. White inverted "V" in their mask, white legs, feet, ruff and stomach. Nose and paw pads are pink.
Lynx Point ---------- Overlays any one of the above patterns. The Lynx pattern shows as tabby markings on the face in what appears to be the letter "W". Tortie Point ---------- Overlays any of the above patterns. Totie Points, color-wise, will generally have Red or Cream mixed with one of the other colors. Mink ------------------- Born with color and has color all over their body, including their stomachs. A mink can come in cream, lilac, blue, chocolate, seal, and sepia.They also can have gold, green, aqua or blue eyes. Minks are not a recognized color by TICA, however, they are beautiful ragdolls that carry all of the characteristic personality traits of the ragdoll.